Roots to Branches Forest School CIC
Roots to branches provide outdoor sessions led with a forest school ethos for children and adults. We aim to bring the benefits of nature on our wellbeing to everyone.
Roots to branches provide outdoor sessions led with a forest school ethos for children and adults. We aim to bring the benefits of nature on our wellbeing to everyone.
We have 3 sites from where we promote physical and mental wellbeing through volunteering in horticulture. Following the principles of social therapy in horticulture, we build esteem and confidence in individuals and we deliver workshops and activities in the community to promote community cohesion and resilience.
Open Door Furniture Recycling is YOUR community based furniture scheme which has been set up on a not for profit basis.
Gift92 helps those in real need to build a stable home. We help people with limited finance and receiving state benefits to furnish a property. The charity has been doing this since 1992. Many of those we help have moved into an empty property and do not have the funds to furnish it.
Active Lancashire is the strategic lead for Sport and Physical Activity in Lancashire. We connect with like-minded local organisations and individuals to help bring about active lifestyles. Nationally we are one of the many Sport England-led Active Partnerships that drive a sports delivery system across the country.
The Recycling Lives charity acts as a safety net for vulnerable and marginalised people. We offer accommodation, education, training and work experience to homeless and long-term unemployed individuals, with the aim of helping them back into full-time work and finding them a place to call their own.