Team Selnet’s visit to Let’s Grow Preston

We all had such a brilliant time
“We all work on separate projects, and it was great to step away from our desks for a couple of hours to spend some team time together!”
“We all had such a brilliant time – all in a production line to press apples from the Grange’s own orchard into juice that we could take home! Our woodfired pizzas were all fantastic.”
Yvette Holden – Selnet
As an ‘infrastructure organisation’, Selnet are here to secure new opportunities, bring together partnerships, manage contracts and provide business development services for our sector to start up, develop, connect and grow.
For Selnet, 2023 has brought huge changes from closing long term projects (DR!VE, and Building Better Opportunities projects of Age of Opportunity, Invest in Youth and Changing Futures), to opening brand new projects (5 new UKSPF projects including Flying Start), to keeping services running (Under One Roof and network membership provision).
We’re on track for major new milestones, and all to bring you with us…

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