We Be Kids

Contact: Danny English

Tel: 07863 553039


Web: www.webekids.net




We Be Kids is a new start up project in 2021 that aims to bring online inspiration to families so they can confidently take part in offline activities that boost their wellbeing.

At We Be Kids we follow our 1,2,3,4,5 model:

  1. We have 1 main aim- to help boost the wellbeing of children and families.
  2. We believe that positive wellbeing can be described by 2 main factors- being healthy and feeling content.
  3. We believe that making connections is key to wellbeing- 3 connections- in particular; connections with Nature, connection with community, and connection with ourselves.
  4. In order to help people boost their wellbeing we offer resources in 4 specialist areas; storytelling, nature art, nature activities and yoga and mindfulness.
  5. By engaging with We Be Kids children and families will be actively living the 5 ways to wellbeing: Get Active, Be Mindful, Think Community, Keep Learning and Practice Kindness.

We Be Kids is founded and run by Danny English and AnneMarie Trevena. Between them they have over 40 years experience working around the world in the fields of education and wellbeing.

More information can be found here: https://www.webekids.net/about-us

We Be Kids add new material each week to their online library, families can access the resources by visiting www.webekids.net and all the material is free.

We Be Kids is eager to make connections and work in partnership with other organisations who value the wellbeing of their staff, families, clients and the wider community. We are already working in partnership with local authorities in areas representing family services and education. If you are interested in helping us boost the wellbeing of children and families then please consider partnering




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