About Us
Midstream (West Lancs) Ltd, inaugurated in 1995 as a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee is a leading Social Enterprise. From a six and a half acre site and state of the art, purpose built accommodation in Skelmersdale, West Lancashire it provides vocational training and supported employment in a caring environment for young people and adults with learning difficulties. At the same time it creates business and trading opportunities with public sector, private sector and voluntary/community sector organisations offering a wide range of products and services.
Those who are most disadvantaged in the labour market have the opportunity to take part in ‘real live’ work activities in a choice of occupational areas including Horticulture, Woodwork, Business Administration, Retail, Hospitality & Catering. At the same time they are encouraged to work towards nationally recognised vocational qualifications ranging from basic entry level to NVQ level 2. Training and assessments are carried out by our own professional teaching staff. Health and Social Care needs are met by qualified health & social care practioners who give just the right level of support to ensure individuals are able to enjoy taking part in their daily work and training activities.
The whole focus of Midstream is to improve the quality of working lives of people who through no fault of their own are disadvantaged in the labour market and allowing them to make their contribution to the world of work.
Employability, Education & Training
Health & Social Care
Mark Saxon
01695 555316

For People | For Business | For Good