European Funding, Brexit & the Third Sector: Where are we now and what happens next?

The decision to leave the European Union will shape profoundly the future of our communities. Despite Brexit though, Britain has guaranteed local European Funds (ESF and ERDF) until 2022.

Network For Europe represents VCSE sector in North West region in all matters relating to the European Union. Selnet have now hosted two EU Funding Briefing events with Network For Europe. These briefings offered a comprehensive update on ESFii and ERDFii , what is happening here in Lancashire, and how it affects the Third Sectorii.

The presentations and additional details are available below.

What will Brexit mean for our sector?

The Brexit process is underway and Network For Europe is working to respond to the loss of EU funds and ensure that the VCSE voice is heard.

We are in a period of transition following the Brexit vote in March and the UK is entering up to 2 years of negotiations on what our future relationship with the EU will be. Brexit will mean the loss of European funding in the form that the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) have known it over the past few decades.

Network for Europe working with partners in the VCSE sector across the North of England to respond to the loss of these funds:


“Of course, EU funding is about money, but it’s also about the way the money is spent and what it is spent on.  EU funding promotes innovative projects, based on partnerships which support inclusion, gender equality, and protection of the environment.

It’s important that we lobby and campaign, not just to make sure the EU cash is replaced, but to protect the kind of projects that have previously been supported by EU funds.

– Andy Churchill, CEO, Network for Europe



Over the coming months, Network For Europe will be:

  • disseminating up to date informationon the current progress with the Brexit negotiations and relevance for the VCSE Sector
  • working with other partners in the sector to assess the impact of the loss of funds, and develop prioritiesfor the future of funds to replace the European funds being lost

Have your say

Network For Europe are collating thoughts, concerns and ideas about how the loss of EU funds will affect organisations and individuals in the sector. Please let them know your views.

You can contact Andy Churchill on or John Hacking on .

What Next?

Selnet and Network For Europe will be hosting a further briefing in November which will be advertised in due course. We hope to see you there!




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