Category Archives: Training

Workshop: Understanding Artificial Intelligence (Ai) and an Introduction to Chat GPT

Our next workshop is 19th July in Blackburn – with 16 spaces exclusively available for Selnet members.

This Understanding Ai workshop will include an introduction to Chat GPT, by tutor and Chartered Business Advisor Chris Trickett.

Chris is an accomplished user of Ai – so this workshop is a great opportunity to understand and access his experience to explain complex technologies.

The approach of this workshop is contemporary and process-driven, with strategic troubleshooting, and practical tips to enhance sustainability and commercial success, turning them into accessible and useful tools for everyone.

Being a member of Selnet is being part of our fantastic sector, with fees reinvested back into support and training for members. If there are specific training, workshop or networking requests, please email Our work is all about enabling our sector to start up, develop, connect and grow.


Read more and book here



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