Buy Social for a Better World

Buy Social for a Better World

Selnet joins national campaign encouraging Lancashire businesses and public sector to use their spending power to build a better world.

Selnet, Lancashire’s Social Enterprise Network, is taking part in the Buy Social for a Better World Campaign urging commissioners and local businesses to spend their money with social enterprises and create a positive impact through their everyday spend.

Social enterprises are businesses set up to build a better world – trading for a social or environmental purpose and re-investing the majority of their profits back towards their social mission. There are over 100,000 of these businesses in the UK, contributing £60billion to the economy.

There are over 2500 social enterprises registered in Lancashire, whose goods and services direct investment into strengthening communities and changing lives; from providing childcare services, work readiness and training support, arts and culture, manufacturing, housing associations, community transport services or horticulture services.

Selnet specialise social enterprise development and growth. They have secured over £15m in contracts and project funding since 2007, to support the sector to achieve real change for disadvantaged people and deprived communities across the Lancashire area.

Selnet, this year ranked as one of the top 100 social enterprises in the NatWest SE100, is encouraging commissioners and companies across the Lancashire area to use their spending power to help address social challenges across the county.

Selnet CEO Liz Tapner, recognised as the UK’s most influential woman in social enterprise, said


“Commissioning social enterprises means investment is directed into tackling inequality and disadvantage across Lancashire communities. Our sector specialises in transforming lives through providing opportunities and developing skills, abilities, confidence and resilience.”


Selnet’s free online Trade Directory showcases the range of goods and services available from Selnet members, categorised into their specialist areas. It is intended to help new customers, commissioners and partners to engage more easily with individual organisations.


 “As a network, we are all about connections. Our Trade Directory is a great place to start for connecting buyers with social enterprises, who can provide real social value and community impact to investments in goods or services.

We are joining the nationwide campaign to encourage commissioners and procurement teams to capitalise on the social value their investment can achieve and build a better Lancashire by buying from social enterprises like those in our Trade Directory!”


The Buy Social for a Better World campaign is being supported by Hollywood star, Michael Sheen, author and activist Caitlin Moran, actor and comedian Chris Addison and writer Sali Hughes, who have released a series of films as part of an augmented reality experience tied into the broader campaign. Shoppers at The Co-op can scan the packaging of four social enterprise products available in-store and be greeted by one of the celebrities who will describe the social impact they are helping to create by buying them. It is all part of a nation-wide awareness raising drive, mobilising communities to support social enterprises and help transform how we do business.

Commenting on the campaign, Peter Holbrook, CEO of Social Enterprise UK (who are behind Buy Social for a Better World) said:


“All businesses must do more to meet the urgent challenges ahead; social enterprises are at the forefront of developing the solutions and fairness that we need. Social enterprises are the future of business – they are growing right across our economy and scaling quickly, creating outstanding products whilst doing what’s right for people and planet. Whether it’s creating fair and secure work or running renewable community energy schemes, they offer a beacon of hope and a blueprint towards a more sustainable and fairer future.

However, in order to succeed, social enterprises need your support. Consumers have real power and social enterprises can only create impact if people continue to buy from them. When you buy social, you’re helping to build a better world.”


Find Selnet’s Trade Directory at and follow #BuySocial for more about the campaign.


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