Beyond the EU Projects: What next for Lancashire?

The event Selnet had been planning with Network For Europe on the 1st April was postponed due to Covid-19. We are committed to continuing to lobby in the best interests of our sector and keeping our members informed as the consultation progresses.


“The consultation on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, to replace ESF and ERDF, still seems far away, given the pandemic, but it is becoming more urgent as time passes” –
Andy Churchill


Network for Europe have shared an update including a Briefing Paper that refers to the ERSA-NCVO letter sent last year to the Prime Minister. Click here for the latest update from Network For Europe.

Background and issues for consideration concerning the Government’s proposed Shared Prosperity Fund, which will replace EU structural funding now that the UK has left the EU:

Now that the UK has left the EU, this funding will cease. In order to replace it, the Government has pledged to set up a Shared Prosperity Fund to “reduce inequalities between communities”. There are several issues that will need to be considered when setting up the Fund. These include:

  • the priorities and objectives of the Fund;
  • the amount of money to be allocated;
  • the method of allocating it between the countries and regions of the UK, and whether this is based on need (and what measure is used to determine need);
  • the model by which funding will be allocated, whether pre-allocating an amount for a country or region or inviting competitive bids from across the UK;
  • the length of the planning period and the way in which this could conflict with domestic spending priorities;
  • who administers the funds (whether they are controlled from Westminster or by the devolved administrations) and the degree to which local authorities are involved;
  • the implications of the Fund for state aid rules.

Although the Government has not yet published its consultation on the Fund, a number of organisations have already made comments about the possible design. Although these vary in their emphasis (for example, the Welsh Government is strongly opposed to the idea of administering the Fund from Westminster), most organisations seem to agree that the level of funding should be at least maintained at its current level, it should largely be allocated based on need, and local authorities and partners should be closely involved.

Read the full report here.


1st April event – postponed

The UK has left the EU, and so EU Structural Funds (ESIF) will start to taper off from 2020-21. The ‘UK Shared Prosperity Fund’ (UK SPF) has been proposed to replace ESIF funding but as yet there is no replacement prepared for when ESIF ends.

Selnet have facilitated EU programme-funded delivery partnerships for 13 years. We are currently managing 3 Building Better Opportunities projects for 50 partners, having secured £14.7M for our sector over 6 years.

Selnet are working to ensure funding is secured for the sector to continue delivering on their missions and building on the impacts being achieved in communities across Lancashire.

As the recognised lead for social enterprise in Lancashire, we are collaborating with Network For Europe to deliver “Beyond the EU Projects What next for Lancashire”; a Consultation Readiness Event to update and prepare our sector in advance of a national consultation on what will replace ESIF.


“Unfortunately this event has been postponed and will be rescheduled in due course. In the meantime, on this page and via the Selnet Informer, we will be issuing some information regarding the Shared Prosperity Fund and the implications for Lancashire of ESIF funds coming to an end.”


New date TBA 
Click here for more information and to book online


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