And the winners are…

Start Up Social Enterprise of the Year

Presented by Lynn Trickett, Selnet DR!VE Project Business Adviser

Beanstalk Business Support CIC​

Beanstalk Business Support CIC is passionate about helping businesses become stronger, sustainable and profitable. Our trading enterprise delivers business support and administration services to entrepreneurs, start-ups, not-for-profits and SMEs. In addition, we provide employment, apprenticeships and work experience opportunities, with job coaching and pastoral support, helping people towards employment.

Small Social Enterprise of the Year

Presented by Selnet vice chair Suzanne Murray

Let’s Grow Preston

Let’s Grow Preston is a charity, established in 2011, whose aims are to improve and maintain for the benefit of the inhabitants of Preston (defined as the PR postcodes) and its visitors, the gardens, landscaped areas, open spaces, playing fields, playgrounds and recreational amenity spaces with the object of improving the conditions of life of the public by providing resources and support which are ancillary to those provided by the local authority.

Large Social Enterprise of the Year

Sponsored by Unity Trust Bank, and presented by Margaret Porter

Recycling Lives Social Enteprise

Recycling Lives Social Enterprise is changing lives. Our rehabilitation programmes equip people with skills and confidence to improve their lifestyles and employability and reduce re-offending rates. Our food redistribution work supplies charities and community groups with goods to feed people in need, tackling food poverty while also preventing food waste.


Work or Training SE of the Year

Presented by Selnet Deputy CEO Donna Marshall

Active Lancashire

Our application focuses on Active Lancashire’s Pendle YES Hub (PYH) and Rossendale Works (RW), two employment and training programmes we designed in partnership with councils, the DWP and others, with our colleagues delivering services.
PYH launched in February 2021 as a base to support young people in Pendle affected by Covid-19, offering tailored access to courses, work opportunities, and health and wellbeing activities.
RW launched in 2018 to reduce unemployment in Rossendale. Alongside one-to-one coaching and job fairs, it offers a skills course in collaboration with employers, featuring interviews at the end.

Social Enterprise Employee of the Year

Presented by Awards judge Sara Gaskell - Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub

Dominic Hawke CANW

“Dominic goes above and beyond with his participants on his caseload to make sure that they are supported throughout their journey. He is helpful, cheery and a team player and does not let his barrier of being partially sighted get in the way of work; from helping us move furniture within the office to picking up young people in a taxi ensuring they are supported with appointments.”

Shortlisted were Aisha Sharif – Lancashire Women, Amanda Cane – URPotential, Ammara Jamil – Community CVS, Angie Thomas – URPotential, Bushra Nawaz – CANW, Carl Simms – CANW, Dominic Hawke – CANW, Jez Palmer – CANW, Louise Taylor – CANW, Maira Butt – Lancashire Mind, Maria Corr – Calico Enterprise Ltd, Michelle Dixon – CANW, Rachel Denby – Groundwork CLM, Sally Hardaker – URPotential


Striving for Equality Award

Presented by Awards judge Adam Holden - Uclan

Renaissance UK Ltd

Renaissance-UK supports all members of the LGBTQ+ community, those suffering with substance misuse and issues around sexual health, which naturally encircles complex mental health issues. There is a constant drive and unwaivering focus to ensure all strands of equality are recognised and advocated for.

Environmental Champion of the Year

Presented by Selnet CEO Liz Tapner MBE

Child Action Northwest

CANW promotes environmental sustainability across our services and is committed to reduce waste, limit energy consumption and procure sustainably. An Environmental Task and Finish Group convenes bi-annually to monitor / review agreed organisational targets.

Social Enterprise Volunteer of the Year

Presented by Yvette Holden and Liz Tapner MBE

Kizzy Felstead Spring into Action

“Kizzy is one of a group of ambassadors, all of whom have lived experience of a learning disability, physical disability or autism. During lockdown, the group did lots of work to promote friendships via zoom, they spoke to people in the NHS and organised a friendship conference which took place in November 2021 when people were able to gather in larger groups. Kizzy has shone over and above in her role as a volunteer ambassador, taking it upon herself to organise the other ambassadors, as well as supporting them both within sessions and outside of sessions.”

In recognition of the shortlisted candidates’ work, special recognition certificates were awarded to Caroline Roberts – Spring into Phab, David Smith – URPotential, Emma Swanson – Lancashire Women, Katie Middleton – His Provision CIC, Nicola Larnach – Calico Enterprise Ltd, Reagan Kelly – Divine Days Community CIC, Sarah Cewe – Rainbow Youth Centre


Lancashire’s Social Enterprise Champion 2022

Presented by 2021 Social Enterprise Champion Tony Carr

Martin Needham​ Rainbow Youth Centre

Martin established the Rainbow Youth Centre after personal experience made it clear to him that help and advice surrounding Trans / LGBTQI+ issues, and mental health in children, was incredibly hard to obtain and harder to access. Having closed his business to concentrate on providing support in this area, Martin self-financed the youth centre for the first 2 years.

Shortlisted were: Karen Livesey – No Whispers CIC, Mandy Taylor – Lancashire Women, Martin Needham – Rainbow Youth Centre, Wesley Partington – AFC Fylde Community Foundation

Social Enterprise of the Year 2022

Presented by Selnet Chair Dave Allen

Communicate SLT CIC

Communicate SLT is a Community Interest Company providing high quality speech, language and communication services and training, predominantly in Lancashire. We empower individuals aged 0-25 years directly and through others, using high-quality, evidenced-based approaches to maximise impact where they live and learn. Our mission is to enable effective communication for all to improve children and young people’s inclusion, independence and life chances.

The final category shortlisted 27 social enterprises from all categories entered at the 2022 awards


A huge thank you to our sponsors


On behalf of all our members, Selnet Directors would like to thank the following organisations for supporting the Social Enterprise in Society Awards 2022!

For People | For Business | For Good